
23 December 2011

PLAINS speak, Christmas 2011

For the majority of society, Christmas will be over after the 25th. Oh sure, there will be leftovers in the fridge and a mess of paper and boxes and stockings still to clean up, but the festivities will be done.
For those of us with faith, however, the festivities are just beginning. Christmas is a season, not a day—and it begins with the Eve of Christmas, sunset on the 24th. And while we celebrate the first day of Christmas on the 25th, the journey continues until the Epiphany on 06 January. These are the true 12 days of Christmas, having nothing to do with that rather annoyingly long song! These are the 12 days of spiritually traveling—as the shepherds did—to follow a great a growing light in our lives.
So this year I invite us all to maintain the celebration of Christmas throughout the entire season—may we hold in our hearts the joy and felicity due to the birth of the Christ child. May we show the world that the great light promised to the world is alive within us—and emanating from us—into the world, long beyond the confines of December 25th.
I wish you a truly joy-filled and happy Christmas.

Bible study has been a huge success across our wider parish. And so, due to popular demand, we will be increasing our frequency!
All are welcome to join us—at any time—as we journey through an hour of our Anglican history, followed by an hour of scriptural study. There’s no homework or presumed knowledge, and you can start at any point. We read together, and allow (encourage!) the Spirit to guide our discussions.
We will recommence 10/11 January and meet weekly:
Tuesdays, 1.30pm
Tuesdays, 6.30pm
Wednesdays, 6.30pm

Q: I called the church several times; why did I not get a call back?
A: The church phone does NOT have caller ID. Unless a message is left on the answering machine, I have no way of knowing you called.

Q: If I can’t reach you at the church phone, should I call your home number?
A: No. The church phone rings in the rectory—if I am there I will answer it, if not I check messages at least once a day. My personal phone is for my personal use only, not for church calls. In case of emergency, please get in touch with me via my mobile phone (wardens have the number).
Q: Why is there no information about *whatever event* in the PlainsSpeak?
A: No information was passed along to me to put in. I asked (in all our congregations) for information, none was received. If you would like information included in future, you need to submit it to me (preferably in writing!)

Q: I have a complaint about something in the church. Should I go to a warden?
A: Only if your problem is with that person! If the complaint addresses the church, it needs to go to the rector. So please come and see me—I’m approachable! Wardens are not meant to be conduits for complaints. See Matthew 18.15.

Q: Shouldn’t the rector be doing more visiting?
A: I do a fair amount of pastoral visiting every week. I put priority on those most in need; in care homes and hospitals and shut-ins. While I wish I could do more visiting, with 5 congregations my time I limited.

Have more questions? Please ask! The only silly question is the one not asked...

01: Numbers 6.22-27; Psalm 8; Galatians 4.4-7; Luke 2.15-21
08: Genesis 1.1-5; Psalm 29; Acts 19.1-7; Mark 1.4-11
15: 1 Samuel 3.1-10; Psalm 139-1-5, 12-17; 1 Corinthians 6.12-20; John 1.43-51
22: Jonah 3.1-5,10; Psalm 62.6-14; 1 Corinthians 7.29-31; Mark 1.14-20
29: Deuteronomy 18.15-20; Psalm 111; 1 Corinthians 8.1-13; Mark 1.21-28
05: Isaiah 40.21-31; Psalm 147.1-12; 1 Corinthians 9.16-23; Mark 1.29-39
12: 2 Kings 5.1-14; Psalm 30; 1 Corinthians 9.24-27; Mark 1.40-45
19: 2 Kings 2.1-12; Psalm 50.1-6; 2 Corinthians 4.3-6; Mark 9.2-9
26: Genesis 9.8-17; Psalm 25.1-9; 1 Peter 3.18-22; Mark 1.9-15
04: Genesis 17.1-7,15-16; Psalm 22.22-30; Romans 4.13-25; Mark 8.31-38
11: Exodus 20.1-17; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1.18-25; John 2.13-22
18: Numbers 21.4-9; Psalm 107.1-3,17-22; Ephesians 2.1-10; John 3.14-21
25: Jeremiah 31.31-34; Psalm 51.1-13; Hebrews 5.5-10; John 12.20-33

24 November 2011

Prayer for St. Paul's

Lord God, you are in this place. We feel you, we praise you, we thank you.
You have bestowed upon us many gifts, and we continue to be amazed at the wonders you set before us.
We respond to your calls for us, to be a family of your children acting as your hands and feet, your heart and your voice in Shoal Lake.
We are blessed with leadership, with joy, with love.
We are blessed with you.

30 August 2011

Camp Clean-Up!

Due to a Camp booking on Sept. 24, the Clergy Conference ending on October 1st, followed by Thanksgiving Weekend, Camp Clean-Up has been changed to Saturday, October 15th beginning at 10:00 am. Lots of help is needed, including a few helpers to remove the dock. Hot dog lunch will be provided. Please bring other goodies to share.

26 June 2011

PLAINS speak, Summer 2011

The Parish Council has decided that instead of paying someone to put together a photo directory, we can do it ourselves. All we need are pictures! This summer, please find or take a good photo of yourself. Laura Marie will begin collecting and collating photos in September. Photos can be digital or printed.

Please call the church number, or send an email to the church email. The church phone rings in the rectory and is answered if there’s a human in the house; if not leave a message; the phone is checked daily! In an emergency, wardens have Laura Marie’s (personal) cell phone number. Please DO NOT call Laura Marie’s home number – it’s her private and personal line, and messages are not frequently checked.

This summer, Laura Marie is taking 2 weeks of study leave, and 2 weeks of vacation. For her study leave, Laura Marie has been invited to participate in a clergy consultation at the College of St. George, Windsor Castle. The topic of the consultation is “God: Some Conversations” and challenges participants to speak about God in the context of a number of modern issues/themes. Following the consultation, Laura Marie will be vacationing in the north of France and south of England, visiting friends and trying to wrap her brain around what she learned at the consultation! Consultation themes include Today’s Church, Literature and the Arts, Conflict and Peace, Health, Food, Pluralistic Society, the Future of Policing, and Equality with Class Divide.

During Laura Marie’s absence in July, Holy Communion will be celebrated by the Rev. Karen Binding on 10 and 24 July at 9:30am in Birtle and 11:30am in Russell. Other services are to be led by lay parish leadership.
Worship has been cancelled on 03 and 17 July in Birtle.

Sunday, 31 July at 11:00am
St. James, Solsgirth will welcome to wider parish for worship and pot luck fellowship. NB: there is no kitchen nor electricity!

03 July: Gen24.34-38, 42-49, 58-67; Ps 45.11-18; Rom 7.15-25; Matt 11.16-19, 25-30
10 July: Gen 25.19-34; Ps 119.105-112; Rom 8.1-11; Matt 13.1-9, 18-23
17 July: Gen 28.10-19a; Ps 139.1-11,22-23; Rom 8.12-25; Matt 13.24-30,36-43
24 July: Gen 29.15-28; Ps 105.1-11; Rom 8.26-39; Matt 13.31-33,44-52
31 July: Gen 32.22-31; Ps 17.1-7,16; Rom 9.1-5; Matt 14.13-21
07 Aug: Gen37.1-4,12-28; Ps 105.1-6,16-22; Rom 10.5-15; Matt 14.22-23
14 Aug: Gen 45.1-15; Ps 133; Rom 11.1-2a,29-32; Matt 15.10-28
21 Aug: Ex 1.8-2.10; Ps 124; Rom 12.1-8; Matt 16.13-20
28 Aug: Ex 3.1-15; Ps 105.1-6,23-26; Rom 12.9-21; Matt 16.21-28
04 Sept: Ex 12.1-14; Ps 149; Rom 13.8-14; Matt 18.15-20
11 Sept: Ex 14.19-31; Ps 114; Rom 14.1-12; Matt 18.21-35
18 Sept: Ex 16.2-15; Ps 105.1-6,37-45; Phil 1.21-30; Matt 20.1-16
25 Sept: Ex 17.1-7; Ps 78.1-4,12-16; Phil 2.1-13; Matt 21.23-32

06 June 2011

Welcome Summer!

Plans are now coming into shape for our 2nd annual diocesan “Welcome Summer” event, to be held at St. Matthew’s Cathedral on Saturday, June 25, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM. Clergy and lay-people from throughout the Diocese are invited to share a time of food & fellowship. This is a special opportunity for people to get to know each other better as a Diocesan community.

30 May 2011

Camp Nurse Needed!

The Camp is still in need of nurses for Teen, Family and Junior Camps, as well as counselors for all camps. If you know of anyone, please have them contact the Camp Committee asap.
They can be reached at:
Rev. Chad McCharles (chair) (204)476-6278
Kathy Black (secretary) (204) 721-0583


A new webmaster for the diocesan site will be required by the end of the summer and a volunteer is now being sought.

It is not expected that the website continues in its present form, or that it be updated daily. A fresh start is envisaged.

Software and training will be provided, though some computer literacy is expected. Both clergy and lay are invited to apply.

Applications and enquiries to the Diocesan Office.

PLAINS speak, Easter 2011

25 April – 07 May: Laura Marie on a week’s vacation and attending PWRDF meetings in Toronto
28-30 April: Rummage Sale, Binscarth
30 April: Deanery Council meeting; 10:30 in Miniota
08 May: Bishop Jim visits Binscarth (9:30) and Birtle (11:30 followed by pot-luck!)
11 May: ACW Day; 10:30 in Dauphin
21 May: Spring Sale in Birtle (9:00-2:00)
29 May: ALL-POINTS worship at Birtle; 11:00 followed by pot luck!
03-05 June: Women’s Retreat
07 June: Wider Parish Council (Binscarth, 7.30pm)
11 June: Kidz Karnival (Rivers)
12 June: Birtle worship re-located to Solsgirth
July 01-14: Laura Marie on conference in England; some vacation time to accompany
31 July: ALL-POINTS worship at Solsgirth; 11:00 followed by pot luck!


As part of the human race, we are challenged to find and celebrate our place within the created order. As Christians, we recognise that all of creation is a gift from God, brought into being by God’s desire to demonstrate and celebrate a profound love. God never intended for us to take over the planet to destroy it, but rather that we might care for all of creation the way a mother cares for a child.
This year’s women’s retreat will focus on recognising God’s presence in the world and how we, as women, can better answer God’s call through our dedication to the planet. We will journey through three sessions: God Called THIS Good?! (a look at ugliness and redemption); Creation Is Groaning – Are We Listening? (an invitation to hear the earth’s pains); and Big Creation, Little Me (engaging our little actions to make a big difference).
All of the sessions will be based on scriptural references, and offer practical discussions for prayer and action. We will spend time celebrating nature in one of the most beautiful settings within the area. Our intention is not to return home feeling disconnected from our society, but rather feeling empowered to
incorporate more ‘green’ practices into our lives, recognising them as one way in which we respond to God’s call.
We will gather June 3-5 at the Diocesan Memorial Camp. Cost is $70 and space is limited! Contact the Synod office for more information (727-7550).


01 May: Acts 2.14a,22-32; Ps 16; 1 Pet 1.3-9; John 20.19-31
08 May: Acts 2.14a,36-41; Ps 116.1-3,10-17; 1 Pet 1.17-23; Luke 24.13-35
15 May: Acts 2.42-47; Ps 23; 1 Pet 2.19-25; John 10.1-10
22 May: Acts 7.55-60; Ps 31.1-5,15-16; 1 Pet 2.2-10; John 14.1-14
29 May: Acts 17.22-31; Ps 66.7-18; 1 Pet 3.13-22; John 14.15-21
05 June: Acts 1.6-14; Ps 68.1-10,33-36; 1 Pet 4.12-14,5.6-11; John 17.1-11
12 June (Pentecost): Acts 2.1-21; Ps 104.25-35,37; 1 Cor 12.3b-13; John 20.19-23
19 June (Trinity): Gen 1.1-2.4a; Ps 8; 2 Cor 13.11-13; Matt 28.16-20
26 June: Gen 22.1-14; Ps 13; Rom 6.12-23; Matt 10.40-42
03 July: Gen 24.34-38,42-49,58-67; Ps45.11-18; Rom 7.15-25a; Matt 11.16-19,25-30
10 July: Gen 25.19-34; Ps 119.105-112; Rom 8.1-11; Matt 13.1-9,18-23
17 July: Gen 28.10-19a; Ps 139.1-11,22-23; Rom 8.12-25; Matt 13.24-30,36-43
24 July: Gen 29.15-28; Ps 105.1-11,45c; Rom 8.26-39; Matt 13.31-33,44-52
31 July: Gen 32.22-31; Ps 17.1-7,16; Rom 9.1-5; Matt 14.13-21

26 February 2011

PLAINS speak, Lent 2011

It's time to Worship!
Sunday, 9:30 (coffee at Choy’s, 9:00)
Sundays, 11:30 (fellowship to follow)
Mondays, 7:30 (fellowship to follow)
Sundays, 7:30 (fellowship to follow)
Wednesdays, 7:00 *First Sunday of the month, we worship Sunday at 2:00

It is not often that we get to celebrate the season of Light, of Epiphany, for so long. We have been blessed to bask in the joyous light this year! And yet, we look forward to a solemn Lenten season as an opportunity to examine our lives and make any changes in order to connect our lives more closely to God.
This year, I will challenge you to a different type of Lent. In place of ‘giving something up’ I invite you to take something on – I invite you take on an awareness of the world around us through a PWRDF Lenten program.
These programs will be ready for you to take home with you starting on 06 March, so that you might begin your Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday.
These programs will be daily reminders of just how very blessed we are in our society, and an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing work of the PWRDF, striving for a truly just and peace-filled world, through your very prayers, actions, and gifts.
As we journey together through Lent, let us not be distracted by the MANY activities that are taking place within our wider family. Let us use these times together to embrace our common journey, to reflect on God’s perfect grace towards us.

The Holy Spirit Conference is a long-standing tradition in the Diocese of Brandon. This year’s Guest Speaker will be the Rev’d Dr. Martin Brokenleg osbcn from Victoria, BC.
He will be taking a look at “The Emergent Church” — new shapes of being a worshipping community and new ways of being the Church in this modern world.
This year’s conference will be held at St. George’s Anglican Church in Brandon. It will be a wonder¬ful opportunity to learn about our Church and faith, and will be a time to meet and fellowship with other people from our vibrant and exciting diocese. We will also worship and praise God together under the leadership of St. George’s Music Group! Our Bishop, the Rt. Rev’d Jim Njegovan, will be the Celebrant for the closing Eucharist on Saturday afternoon where we will have the opportunity to “break bread to¬gether.”
We’ll see you at St. George’s on March 11th & 12th!
Registration packages are available in the parish, or contact Helen Nethery, Registrar at 204-728-6542 or email

04 March: World Day of Prayer. Join us at 10:00am (Binscarth), 2:00pm (Russell) or 7:00pm (United Church,
08 March: Shrove Tuesday! Join us for pancakes at 6:00pm in both Birtle and Russell!
09 March: Ash Wednesday: Joining our ecumenical family at Knox United (Russell) for imposition of ashes,
09-11 March: Laura Marie+ will be in Toronto attending meetings at Church House
11-12 March: Holy Spirit Conference, Brandon
15 March: Parish Council, 7:30 (Binscarth). All welcome!
16 March: Donation Dinner (Russell)
18 March: Games Night (Birtle)
20 March: Bishop Jim will visit Sunday morning at Binscarth and Birtle! Pot Luck lunch following Birtle
worship. All welcome!
Future dates to remember:
11 May: ACW Day! At St. Paul’s Dauphin
13 May: 1st Annual Spaghetti Dinner, St. Paul’s Shoal Lake
20-24 May: TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) 13!

Join us as we journey every day through Holy Week and into the Easter Triduum!
Palm/Passion services will be held: Sunday 17 April at 9:30 (Binscarth), 11:30 (Birtle), 7:30 (Russell); on Monday 18 April at 7:30 (Roblin) and on Wednesday 20 April at 7:30 (Shoal Lake).
A service of Tenebrae will be held Tuesday 19 April at 7:30 in Russell
Maundy Thursday (with foot washing, Holy Communion and stripping of altar) will take place on 21 April at 6:00 (Shoal Lake), and joining with the Lutheran Church in Russell for a pot luck and Seder information at 6:30 and worship at 8:00
Good Friday will be held on 22 April at 9:30 (Birtle) and 11:30 (Roblin) with Hot Cross Buns to follow. We are also invited to Knox United (Russell) for a Cantata at 8:00pm
Easter Vigil will be held on 23 April at 7:30 in Binscarth
Easter Sunday will be celebrated on 24 April at 9:30 (Russell) and 11:30 (Birtle). Those wishing a sunrise service are invited to join Knox United (Russell) at the cemetery at approx. 6:00am. Please note all mid-week services cancelled the following week.

13 March: Gen 2.15-17, 3.1-7; Ps 32; Rom 5.12-19; Matt 4.1-11
20 March: Gen 12.1-4a; Ps 121; Rom 4.1-5, 13-17; Matt 17.1-9
27 March: Ex 17.1-7; Ps 95; Rom 5.1-11; John 4.5-42
03 April: 1Sam 16.1-13; Ps 23; Eph 5.8-14; John 9.1-41
10 April: Ez 3.1-14; Ps 130; Rom 8.6-11; John 11.1-45
17 April: Palm Liturgy: Matt 21.1-11; Ps 118.1-2, 19-29
17 April: Passion Liturgy: Is 50.4-9a; Ps 31.9-16; Phil 2.5-11; Matt 27.11-54
21 April (Maundy): Ex 12.1-14; Ps 116.1,10-17; 1Cor 11.23-26; John 13.1-17, 31b-35
22 April (Good Friday): Is 52.13-53.12; Ps 22; Heb 10.16-25; John 18.1-19.42
23 April (Easter Vigil): Rom 6.3-11, Ps 114; Matt 28.1-10
24 April (Easter Sunday): Acts 10.34-43; Ps 118.1-2, 14-24; Col 3.1-4; John 20.1-18
1 May: Acts 2.14a,22-32; Ps 16; 1Pet 1.3-9; John 20.19-31

18 January 2011

Annual General Meetings

'Tis the season... Annual General Meetings will be held on the following dates

Solsgirth - Dec. 2010
Shoal Lake - TBD
Birtle - Sun., 13 February. Pot Luck Dinner 5:30, AGM to follow, worship at 7:30pm
Binscarth - Sun. 16 January. Pot luck lunch and AGM following 11:30 worship
Russell - Sun. 23 January. Pot luck lunch and AGM following 11:30 worship
Roblin - Monday 24 January. Pot luck dinner 6:00, AGM to follow, worship at 7:30.

Wider Parish Council - Tuesday 18 January, 7:30pm (Binscarth)

PLAINS speak Winter 2011

Christmas is a time for us to recognise change. We celebrate the coming of the Christ child, an event so profound that it changed the world for all time. It’s no wonder that we celebrate this time at a point in the year when everything around us is about to change as well.
The Solstice, or Longest Night, takes place on December 21st, a time when the earth shifts on its axis and we begin to see our days getting gradually longer. Some traditions celebrate this event as the rebirth of the sun. This year’s Solstice will also show us a lunar eclipse, where the sun and earth and moon will perfectly align; the earth will cast a shadow on the moon making it appear dark and red before returning to a state of light. This is the first time these two events have overlapped since 1554.
I believe that these signs of the cosmos are an invitation to us as Christians; to remind us that we are journeying with God in an ongoing discovery of renewal, re-birth, movement from the darkness into the light. Just as the Magi looked to a star to direct them towards the great light of the world, we too can choose to see these signs from the heavens like a compass pointing us to adjust our lives to follow the Light, the truth whose birth we gather to celebrate.

3 Day Live Video Conference
Trinity Institute’s 41st National Theological Conference will explore the theory and practice of Bible study that is authentic, transformative, and sensitive to the different contexts in which we read scripture. Topics will include:
*What does an ordinary reader bring?
*How does our culture influence what truths we may find in scripture?
*How do we read scripture together?
Theological speakers, worship, small group discussions. A conference for all ages

Do you remember those essays in school where we had to share how we’d spent our
holidays? Well, this is one of those essays.
Part of my holidays this December was spent at the convent of the Sisters of St. John the Divine in Toronto, at the Orientation weekend for this year’s intake of the PWRDF’s 50 Leaders Program. 50 Leaders is a 5-year plan to empower young leaders in the church to connect their faith with their passion for justice work. This is the second year of the program, and I have been chaplain both years. The weekend brings the young adults together to introduce them to the great work of the PWRDF, hear success stories, develop community, and learn how to focus their energy in such a way that they can take their enthusiasm back to their home community – and watch it grow.
The leaders are challenged to choose one topic that interests them, learn much about it, and develop a self-taught educational project around that interest. Over the coming 12-18 months they will attend some related event, find a spiritual mentor, do fundraising, and overall demonstrate their profound leadership for the church. This weekend they shared community with one of the Three Cantors, the Executive Director and Public Engagement Program Coordinator of PWRDF, and the Primate himself stopped in to meet them and offer words of inspiration. We were also blessed to attend a worship service connecting scripture and eco-justice issues.
It is such a blessing to see how young people are inspired – and inspiring – to see the world know Christ. And to see them willing to take action toward that end. I can think of nothing better to do to refresh my soul while on vacation!

Dec. 24: Isaiah 9.2-7; Psalm 96; Titus 2.11-14; Luke 2.1-20
Dec. 26: Isaiah 63.7-9; Psalm 148; Hebrews 2.10-18; Matthew 2.13-23
Jan. 2 (Epiphany): Isaiah 60.1-6; Psalm 72.1-7,10-14; Ephesians 3.1-12; Matthew 2.1-12
Jan. 9 (Baptism of Jesus): Isaiah 42.1-9; Psalm 29; Acts 10.34-43; Matthew 3.13-17
Jan. 16: Isaiah 49.1-7; Psalm 40.1-12; 1 Corinthians 1.1-9; John 1.29-42
Jan. 23: Isaiah 9.1-4; Psalm 27.1, 5-13; 1 Corinthians 1.10-18; Matthew 4.12-23
Jan. 30: Micah 6.1-8; Psalm 15; 1 Corinthians 1.18-31; Matthew 5.1-12
Feb. 6: Isaiah 58.1-12; Psalm 112.1-10; 1 Corinthians 2.1-16; Matthew 5:13-20
Feb. 13: Deuteronomy 30.15-20; Psalm 119.1-8; 1 Corinthians 3.1-9; Matthew 5.21-37
Feb. 20: Leviticus 19.1-2, 9-18; Psalm 119.33-40; 1 Corinthians 3.10-11, 16-23; Matthew 5.38-48
Feb. 27: Isaiah 49.8-16a; Psalm 131; 1 Corinthians 4.1-5; Matthew 6.24-34
Mar. 6: Exodus 24.12-18; Psalm 2; 2 Peter 1.16-21; Matthew 17.1-9
Mar. 9 (Ash Wed.): Joel 2.1-2, 12-17; Psalm 103.8-18; 2 Corinthians 5.20b-6.10; Matthew 6.1-6, 16-21