
26 June 2011

PLAINS speak, Summer 2011

The Parish Council has decided that instead of paying someone to put together a photo directory, we can do it ourselves. All we need are pictures! This summer, please find or take a good photo of yourself. Laura Marie will begin collecting and collating photos in September. Photos can be digital or printed.

Please call the church number, or send an email to the church email. The church phone rings in the rectory and is answered if there’s a human in the house; if not leave a message; the phone is checked daily! In an emergency, wardens have Laura Marie’s (personal) cell phone number. Please DO NOT call Laura Marie’s home number – it’s her private and personal line, and messages are not frequently checked.

This summer, Laura Marie is taking 2 weeks of study leave, and 2 weeks of vacation. For her study leave, Laura Marie has been invited to participate in a clergy consultation at the College of St. George, Windsor Castle. The topic of the consultation is “God: Some Conversations” and challenges participants to speak about God in the context of a number of modern issues/themes. Following the consultation, Laura Marie will be vacationing in the north of France and south of England, visiting friends and trying to wrap her brain around what she learned at the consultation! Consultation themes include Today’s Church, Literature and the Arts, Conflict and Peace, Health, Food, Pluralistic Society, the Future of Policing, and Equality with Class Divide.

During Laura Marie’s absence in July, Holy Communion will be celebrated by the Rev. Karen Binding on 10 and 24 July at 9:30am in Birtle and 11:30am in Russell. Other services are to be led by lay parish leadership.
Worship has been cancelled on 03 and 17 July in Birtle.

Sunday, 31 July at 11:00am
St. James, Solsgirth will welcome to wider parish for worship and pot luck fellowship. NB: there is no kitchen nor electricity!

03 July: Gen24.34-38, 42-49, 58-67; Ps 45.11-18; Rom 7.15-25; Matt 11.16-19, 25-30
10 July: Gen 25.19-34; Ps 119.105-112; Rom 8.1-11; Matt 13.1-9, 18-23
17 July: Gen 28.10-19a; Ps 139.1-11,22-23; Rom 8.12-25; Matt 13.24-30,36-43
24 July: Gen 29.15-28; Ps 105.1-11; Rom 8.26-39; Matt 13.31-33,44-52
31 July: Gen 32.22-31; Ps 17.1-7,16; Rom 9.1-5; Matt 14.13-21
07 Aug: Gen37.1-4,12-28; Ps 105.1-6,16-22; Rom 10.5-15; Matt 14.22-23
14 Aug: Gen 45.1-15; Ps 133; Rom 11.1-2a,29-32; Matt 15.10-28
21 Aug: Ex 1.8-2.10; Ps 124; Rom 12.1-8; Matt 16.13-20
28 Aug: Ex 3.1-15; Ps 105.1-6,23-26; Rom 12.9-21; Matt 16.21-28
04 Sept: Ex 12.1-14; Ps 149; Rom 13.8-14; Matt 18.15-20
11 Sept: Ex 14.19-31; Ps 114; Rom 14.1-12; Matt 18.21-35
18 Sept: Ex 16.2-15; Ps 105.1-6,37-45; Phil 1.21-30; Matt 20.1-16
25 Sept: Ex 17.1-7; Ps 78.1-4,12-16; Phil 2.1-13; Matt 21.23-32

06 June 2011

Welcome Summer!

Plans are now coming into shape for our 2nd annual diocesan “Welcome Summer” event, to be held at St. Matthew’s Cathedral on Saturday, June 25, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM. Clergy and lay-people from throughout the Diocese are invited to share a time of food & fellowship. This is a special opportunity for people to get to know each other better as a Diocesan community.